There was a time in the dim, distant past when I could get a new toy made in a couple of days...oh happy Land of Faraway! Now I am reduced to scrimping time, as a mouse hoards cheese rind, and my toys are fussed over in odd moments. Poor Grey Goosie, born on the edge of a cricket match, has taken longer than most. I do have orders...but I have to have one of my own going at the same time. Just - because.
Actually, Grey Goosie is now a fully fledged cricket expert - she has visited quite a few over the weeks, and was a great help at the last home match. She made sure the fielders were in the right place -

She helped Andy bowl at the oppo -

She helped lay out the tea - although she didn't make it (well, she is only small and a sandwich is so large to a toy goose).

She even made sure the umpire was keeping score properly -

She is also a bit of a real ale buff now, and enjoyed some Wadworth 6x while looking after Andy's bat.

And later, when both teams retired to the Queen's Head, she said a respectful hello to old Hobbs, the pub cat.

So although she has taken weeks to finish, I think she is the most educated of all my toys.